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Descendants of John Hartnoll and Elizabeth Facey of Pilton from 1773

  • from: Wendy.Clarke
  • uploaded: May 8, 2014
  • Hits: 4591

Canadian Anne Bishop has traced her antecedents back to the Hartnolls of Pilton in the late 1700s. This article - very useful for anyone researching their family tree and having ancestors in common - follows the lives and times of the Hartnoll family with a particular focus on Mary Ann Hartnoll, her paternal great-great-grandmother. A dressmaker by trade, Mary Ann Hartnoll married an Exmouth tailor, Edward Bishop. The couple took the great step of emigrating to Barrie, Ontario in 1855, though five of their eight children were born in Pilton. In Canada the Bishops set up in business as tailors. Within eight years, however, Mary had lost her husband and three of her sons. Despite emotional and financial hardship and a period back in Pilton to recover, the Bishop family remained in Canada where Anne Bishop is a fourth generation descendant of the original Devon emigrants, Mary and Edward.

With thanks to Anne Bishop for contributing this article with its wonderful family photographs.

This article should be read in conjunction with the following item 'Further Notes on the Hartnoll Family of North Devon' added to The Pilton Story archive in 2016:

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