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NEW PARISH ROOMS IN 1906 FOR £1,100 /media/flashcomm?action=mediaview&context=normal&id=839

This report is taken from the North Devon Gazette of 9th January 1906.

“The delightful old parish of Pilton, Barnstaple, has been enriched by the provision of a fine new premises, to be known as the Parish Rooms. Situated at the top of the hill, near the ancient church, the rooms have been erected at a cost of £1,1OO, and, having regard to the smart appearance and the commodious nature of the premises, the money appears to have been judiciously spent. Messrs. Tucker Bros, were the builders.
The opening ceremony on Tuesday afternoon was very largely attended. The Lord Bishop of Exeter presided, being supported by the Mayor of Barnstaple (Mr. H. Barrett, C.C.), the Vicar of Barnstaple (Rev. Dr. Newton, K.D.), Mr. E. J. Soares, M.P., and Mr. V. E Horne, and the Vicar of Pilton (Rev. W. H. M Bagley).
The Vicar of Pilton expressed pleasure at welcoming the Bishop on the occasion of his first official visit to the parish. He explained the various objects for which the new rooms were intended. The Bishop, in declaring the room open, said their ancestors had handed down to them a noble inheritance in their beautiful old parish churches. Few parishes in England -- none in this diocese—had been more happily blessed in this direction than Pilton. But at the present time it was impossible for all church work to be effectively done without the aid of rooms such those upon which he now had great pleasure in congratulating them. The times were altogether less simple now than in the time when their churches were erected. When Pilton Church was built he supposed election campaign was unheard of. Life had grown more complex, in their organizations for good work they must move with the times. His Lordship expressed the pleasure it gave him to make the acquaintance of Mr. Horne through the medium of their common friend, Mr. Soared (applause), regarded it as very healthy sign of the times and a very healthy symptom of English life that two gentlemen, who were in certain way antagonists, were able join hands in the promotion of good works —(applause).
The Mayor, having congratulated the parish upon the new rooms, promised to subscribe three guineas to the funds—(applause).
Mr. E. J. Soares, IM.P., as parishioner, proposed vote thanks to the Bishop for his presence that afternoon.
Rev, Dr. Newton seconded, claiming that he was the first to build parish rooms in Barnstaple. Tea was subsequently provided, a most enjoyable afternoon being spent.”

Many thanks to the North Devon Gazette for this article. The picture above was taken during the 2018 Big Pilton Quiz in the Hall. At today's prices it might have cost £120,000 to £140,000 but that sounds too low..

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