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The 1914-18 Great War Memorial West Window of Pilton Church

The 1914-18 Great War Memorial West Window of Pilton Church /media/flashcomm?action=mediaview&context=normal&id=501

The West Window of Pilton Church is in memory of those who fell in the Great War 1914-18 The crucifixion is depicted in the middle panels, with the Virgin at the foot of the Cross and St. John on the right hand. Above St. John is an angel confronting Our Lord upon the Cross. Of the two outside panels, the one on the right represents St. Alban, the first British martyr and a Roman soldier, and on the left St. Nicholas, the patron saint of sailors. At the bottom of the window are figures in modern dress of a nurse, a sailor, a member of the Flying Corps and a soldier.

Beneath is a brass plaque on which is inscribed “This window is placed here to the Glory of God and in Memory of the men from this Parish who lost their lives in the Great War 1914-1918”. There are 39 names on it. More on the plaque can be read by following this link:

Thanks are due to Reginald Norman of Pilton (1908-84) who wrote a note about the stained glass windows of Pilton Church which can be read by following this link:

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