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The Post Office, 27 Pilton Street

  • from: Richard.Howe
  • uploaded: Mar 13, 2012
  • Hits: 1528
The Post Office, 27 Pilton Street /media/flashcomm?action=mediaview&context=normal&id=55

The post office in the middle of Pilton Street (No.27) in Victorian/Edwardian times. The house later became the hairdressing salon of Doris Fisher, was then turned into Poppy's Cafe, then Crumbles Restaurant, and is now a private house. The picture, belonging to Eric Sanders of Feoffee Cottages, shows Eric Sanders' grandmother (Ellen Sanders with baby), grandfather Sanders and great grandfather Sanders. The baby is Peter Edmunds, son of Winny Edmunds (nee Sanders) the sister of Ellen, so he’s Eric's baby cousin being held by his auntie.

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