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Wellington Family Ancestors 3

  • from: Richard.Howe
  • uploaded: Jun 21, 2012
  • Hits: 1402
Wellington Family Ancestors 3 /media/flashcomm?action=mediaview&context=normal&id=138

Charles Knight Ellis and his wife, Jane, pictured outside Elm Cottage, Pilton, at the junction of Dark Lane and another lane leading to Nursery End, round about 1900. They had seven boys and four girls, including Ellen Ellis who was later to marry Edward George Wellington, making the couple in the picture the great grandparents of Paul Wellington of 96, Pilton Street and great, great grandparents of Rachel and Sarah.

For the first set of pictures which is part of this archive - Wellington Family Ancestors 1. Follow this link:

For the second set of pictures which is part of this archive - Wellington Family Ancestors 2, follow this link:

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