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The 12th North Devon (Pilton) Scout Group

The 12th North Devon (Pilton) Scout Group /media/flashcomm?action=mediaview&context=normal&id=334

This photograph shows the 12th North Devon (Pilton) Scout Group in Pilton Church Hall around 1979/80. We would love to be able to identify everyone in the picture but so far can only specifically name Terry Chaplin, the Scout leader on the left, who today is the overall Group Scout Leader and two of the scouts (see below).

First scout name to come in was for the back row, small boy on the right of the two is Ben Redstone. Thanks to his sister Sara Wills for that. Iain Bluett is third from the left in the middle row and on his right is Mark Rainey. Thanks to his sister Gillian Jennings for that.

Andrew Merrifield is on the back row 2nd from right, Stephen Miller back row 2nd from left, ? Pettifer middle row 2nd from left, bottom row 1st or far left Mark Sluman. Thanks to Tony Sumners for that.

Mark Rainey has identified the following: Back row: Martin Bray (1st left), Paul Hawkins (far right), Middle row: Andrew Sanders (1st left), Front row: Philip Kelland (3rd) Jay Smith (4th), Andrew ? Pettifer. Thanks to Mark Rainey for these names.

Please let us have any other names you can.

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