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Barnstaple Town Council, Community Day, Pilton Park, 3rd May 2014 at the end of 'Tidy Up Our Town' Week

Barnstaple Town Council, Community Day, Pilton Park, 3rd May 2014 at the end of 'Tidy Up Our Town' Week /media/flashcomm?action=mediaview&context=normal&id=435

Barnstaple Town Council's Environment Committee organised a Community Day in Pilton Park on Saturday 3rd May 2014, as the closing event of Tidy Up Our Town Week (28th April - 3rd May). The previous year the same event was held in Yeo Valley Woodland. The aim of the week was encourage local organisations, agencies and groups to hold litter picking events within the town to make Barnstaple a better place for local residents and tourists. The Community Day included wellie wanging, a family dog show, making a bird box, log animal or miniature garden, facepainting and an assault course. There were also painting and photography competitions.

Organisations from and in Pilton who went litter picking included Pathfield School, Pilton Community College, 12th North Devon Scout Group, the Rotary Club, Higher Raleigh Allotment, Devon and Cornwall Housing and Sanctuary Housing at Raleigh Meadows and Barnstaple Pilot Gig Club around the Rivers Yeo and Taw. Over 5 tonnes of litter were collected in the week.

Thanks to the Town Councillors for organising the event.

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