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River Taw Bathing in the 1920s

  • from: Richard.Howe
  • uploaded: Oct 27, 2014
  • Hits: 556
River Taw Bathing in the 1920s /media/flashcomm?action=mediaview&context=normal&id=494

Learning to swim in the 1920s meant plunging into the River Taw. This picture shows Barnstaple schoolboys under the guidance of a teacher from Pilton whose name we will verify before including it here. There are two more photographs taken at the same time which will also be uploaded to the archive. We are, as ever, open to suggestions about who these boys are.

The North Devon Journal of July 7th 1921 carried an advertisment for Bathing Facilities at Barnstaple. The Huts on Seven Bretheren Bank were available for bathing purposes:

Undressing only 4d (old pence equivalent to 1.6 new pence)
Hire of costume 2d
Hire of towel 2d
School children undressing only 2d
Boys do not undress in public ????? but patronise The Hut.
Private swimming lessons were available for moderate charges. Apply to W Gee, Proprietor ??? Rock Park.

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