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Fined for Cycling Furiously in Pilton Street

  • from: Richard.Howe
  • uploaded: Feb 15, 2012
  • Hits: 2793

Eric Sanders’ grandparents and auntie ran Pilton Post Office, a familiar landmark which later became a hairdressing salon, then a restaurant and is now a private house. Eric’s father was a keen cyclist, once fined for speeding down Pilton Street on his bike. But he died very young, and Eric’s mother struggled to bring up five children in hard times, as Eric explained in the recording.

Eric Sanders, who lives in the almshouses near Pilton Church, talks about his mother, Jenny (b. O’Brien) and father, Alfred, who died when only 39 years old.

Note on Cycling Furiously! There’s no specific offence of “furious cycling”, but as reported by Cambridge Cycling Campaign in 2007, fast-moving cyclists can sometimes be nabbed for “riding furiously”, an offence under the 1847 Town Police Clauses Act. This mentions (under section 28) it is an offence for “Every person who rides or drives furiously any horse or carriage, or drives furiously any cattle.”

REF: 0008

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