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A Short History of the Church of St Mary the Virgin, Pilton, Barnstaple


A two-page document setting out the key historical features and dates of St Mary's Church thought to date from the 1990s. The author is identified as M.D. and we would like to know who this was. It describes the foundation of the church (incorrectly attributed to King Athelstan) and gives key dates for the present building. The altar (Elizabethan), the Rood Screen (around 1430), the Pulpit (late Tudor), the font and its canopy (15th century), some of the stain glass, the monuments (including to the families of Richard and John Chichester), the pitch-pipe in the Vestry (Victorian), the clock (1713 with no face) and the peal of eight bells are identified as of particular interest.
On the screen between the Chancel and the Raleigh Chapel is a Harvest Man (the thumbnail for this document) rather than a Green Man as has been widely thought.

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