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The Last Will and Testament of Thomas Hancock 1877


This document is a copy of the Last Will and Testament of Thomas Hancock, retired innkeeper, of The Rock, Pilton. It is dated 27th March 1877. He left all his 'household goods furniture and effects' to his wife Ann Hancock or, on her death or second marriage, to his daughter Elizabeth Priest Leach - referring to a specific list of dwelling houses in Pilton. He also left to his other daughter, Mary Jane Hogg, several other dwelling houses and the Priory Arms public house, now 54 The Rock. In the event of Mary Jane Hogg dying without issue, they would pass to the children of his son, John Nicholas Hancock. In addition, he left his grand-daughter, Elizabeth Ann Hancock, two dwelling houses, and his son, John Nicholas Hancock, the public house known as the Chichester Arms (now the Green Man) and a dwelling house in Back Lane. The residue was shared between his three children.

Thomas Hancock died on 15th November 1880.

This document was found among the title deeds of 48 The Rock, which may therefore have been one of the dwelling houses mentioned. At that time they were identified not by a street number but by who was living in them.

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