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Jane Bartlett outside No 8 Pilton Quay with 'Darkie' the Pomeranian

Jane Bartlett outside No 8 Pilton Quay with 'Darkie' the Pomeranian /media/flashcomm?action=mediaview&context=normal&id=97

Jane Bartlett (died 1947) is pictured here outside the cottage which was No 8 Pilton Quay until the road improvement scheme at Pilton Bridge caused it and the adjacent No 1 Pilton Street to be demolished in the 1960s leaving a rather ugly entrance to Pilton. Two other entries in this archive are of the same cottage which had a delightful triangular garden - and links to these are given below. Jane was married to William Bartlett.
Thanks to Mary Passmore, her grand-daughter, for this photo.

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